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These are my services and they cover most organizing issues.

If you'd like to discuss something more specific, please get in touch.


I organize your home or other physical space that is not serving your current needs. You learn how to avoid clutter, manage your worries and get free time.


I make a personalized assessment of your spaces and we implement organization systems to put an end to the mess and keep it from coming back.


Physical spaces include (but are not limited to):


  • Cabinets, closets

  • Kitchen, pantry, bathroom

  • Garage, storage rooms

  • Home offices, bookshelves

  • Documents, collections

What is the problem of living inside the mess?

You waste time, you waste money buying things you already had but didn't remember, you waste precious space with these things, you can't sort out your tasks and routine, you don't want to go back home at the end of the day because you don't enjoy it.

Organizing is different from tidying up

In a tidy house there is no apparent mess but no one can find things when they need it. Tidying up can be just shoving things inside the first closed cabinet you find, but soon the mess comes back and you need to tidy up again.

In an organized space each object has its place, it's easily found and easily stored back. You have the most used things at hand and all the other things in sight. You know where things are and you are in control of your home and you time.





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